Boundary Profiles

ATTOM Cloud provides profiles of various boundaries in Dimension tables. The following is a list of the boundary profiles presently available.

Boundary Table Name Type Details
Census Block
DimBlock Economic
The smallest area for which census data is published
Census Block Group
DimBlockGroup Economic
Census Tract
DimTract Economic
Congressional District
DimCongressionalDistrict Political
A total of 435 congressional districts are allocated to states based on the population determined with each national census.
DimCounty Political
Legal political boundaries for local government that are usually responsible for the administration of properties.
County Subdivision
DimCountySubdivision Economic
DimFEMAFirmPanel Hazard FEMA breaks the US into a fixed number of FIRM Panels, each of the same size.
FEMA Flood Zone
DimFEMAFloodHazard Hazard A contiguous area sharing a similar probability of flooding.
DimNeighborhood Neighborhood
Macro Neighborhood
DimNeighborhood Neighborhood
DimPlace Economic
Postal City
DimPostalCity Postal
Residential Subdivision
DimNeighborhood Neighborhood
DimSchoolAttendanceArea School
The attendance area for each K-12 school
School District
DimSchoolDistrict School
The combined attendance area for a school district
DimNeighborhood Neighborhood
Zip Code
DimZipCode Postal
The area serviced by a single post office or delivery center
Zip Code Tabulation
DimZipCodeTabulationArea Economic
The USCB's approximation of a zip code comprises a collection of Census Blocks that fit within or overlap a zip code boundary.
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