Answers to frequently asked questions
- What is the difference between Active Foreclosure and Preforeclosure?
- How do I get the ATTOM ID for a Property?
- How do I add Google street view?
- Why is the ATTOM ID 9999999?
- Where can I find Tax Assessor data?
- How do I calculate PropertyUseGroup?
- When does ATTOM Cloud get updated?
- How do I track changes to school boundaries?
- How do I Do a Radius Search?
- Do you track date/time of the last record update for all tables?
- What Are Dimension Tables?
- Matching APNs
- What Building Size Do I Use?
- Why do I get multiple values in some columns?
- How Far Out Are Auction Dates?
- Why do building permits get deleted?
- What is proplanduse?
- Why is the data different?
- Is there a list of street suffixes?
- Does Conneticut Have Counties?