Population. Employment. Housing.
Discover points of interest, crime, weather, unemployment rates, transit routes, and more with neighborhood data to highlight attractive areas for prospective buyers or investors. Narrow your search efforts and get robust neighborhood data by city and zip. Save marketing dollars by researching potential communities to understand the demographics and market to only the ideal areas using community data. Help prospective clients find the right neighborhoods to move into by searching specific points of interest or possible crime statistics in their area.
Neighborhood data is an aggregation of data from multiple sources defining the characteristics of data from the US Census Department combined with relevant data published by other government agencies.
A summary of the climate statistics published by the US Census Bureau. These are published for each Census Block Group, Census Tract, Neighborhood, Zip Code, Place, City, County Subdivision, County, CSA, CBSA, and State.
Geo ID | 63,365 : 0269069ca0c50e87ea417470c14ee63f |
Geography | Neighborhood: Cypress Village, Irvine, Orange County, CA |
Area (Sq. miles) | 1.14 |
Average Min Temperature | 51.65 |
Average Max Temperature | 74.88 |
Possible Sunshine | 75% |
Rainy Days | 32 |
Snow Days | 0 |
Precipitation (Inches) | 13.76 |
Snow (Inches) | 0 |
A collection of crime statistics. These are published at the Census Block Group level and consolidated up to Census Tract, Neighborhood, Zip Code, Place, City, County Subdivision, County, CSA, CBSA, and State levels.
Geo ID | 63,365 : 0269069ca0c50e87ea417470c14ee63f |
Geography | Neighborhood: Cypress Village, Irvine, Orange County, CA |
Area (sq. miles) | 1.14 |
Murder | 194 |
Forcible Rape | 187 |
Forcible Robbery | 196 |
Larceny | 195 |
Motor Vehicle Theft | 194 |
Crime | 188 |
Every 10 years the US Census Bureau collects data from US households. There are only nine questions on the census, related to age, gender, race, and household structure. This is combined with other demographics and economic data collected from other sources to compile a comprehensive picture of the makeup of communities.
Geo ID | 63,365 : 0269069ca0c50e87ea417470c14ee63f |
Geography | Neighborhood: Cypress Village, Irvine, Orange County, CA |
Area (sq. miles) | 1.14 |
Population | 1,908 |
Households | 776 |
Households - Family | 60.76% |
Population - White | 36.13% |
Population - Asian | 41.94% |
Median Age | 30.7 |
Commute Time - < 15 mins | 19.34% |
Housing Units Vacant | 6.08% |
Homes with Mortgage | 99.2% |
Median Household Income | $92,716 |
Points of Interest
A specific location that is of potential interest. This includes local businesses, parks, churches, sports facilities, entertainment, and public services.
Geo ID | 353 : |
Name | 7-Eleven |
Address | 311 11th St, Bakersfield CA 93307 |
Category | 743 |
Yelp Category | Convenience Stores |
URL | | | |
Year Established |
School District Profile
US schools are usually grouped into school districts responsible for administering those schools. Some school districts may be responsible for all K12 schools in an area, while others may only administer schools of a specific level (e.g. high schools). This dataset provides a summary for each of those school districts.
Geo ID | 2199 : 6e42512882c957ae6383fe48e2b71227 |
Name | Irvine Unified School District |
Address | 5050 Barranca Pkwy, Irvine CA 92604 |
URL | |
Level | Unified |
Schools | 43 |
Teachers | 1,379.9 |
Students | 35,660 |
Total Revenue | $508,471,000 |
Total Expenditure | $541,186,000 |
Rating | A+ |
School District Test Scores
Summarizes national test scores for a school district in specific subjects for a given year
Geo ID | 2199 (Irvine Unified School District) |
Year | 2019 |
Subject | Mathematics |
Grade | 07 |
Score | 77.87 |
School Profile
Profile of K12 schools, including location, teacher & student populations, grade levels taught, ethnic mix, and programs taught.
Geo ID | 151350 : fe1a19d4feafd2c027d270df05128437 |
Name | Jeffrey Trail Middle School |
School District | 2199 (Irvine Unified School District) |
URL | |
Address | 155 Visions, Irvine CA 92620 |
Instruction Level | Middle |
Students | 500-749 |
Student Teacher Ratio | 24.41 |
School Rating | A |
School Test Scores
Summarizes national test scores for a school in specific subjects for a given year
Geo ID | 15130 (Jeffrey Trail Middle School) |
Year | 2019 |
Subject | English Language Arts |
Grade | 04 |
Score | 35.56 |