Neighborhood Boundaries
Residential neighborhoods are geographical areas considered to have similarities in their demographics and housing. Other factors influencing the definition of neighborhoods include local government planning, law enforcement, and transportation. Their use is not consistent across counties. Up to four levels of a neighborhood can be defined (Macro Neighborhood, Neighborhood, Sub-Neighborhood, and Residential Subdivision). These levels can be identified by the geography type key assigned.
Level 1: Macro Neighborhoods
Macro-Neighborhoods are the largest neighborhood type by size and depict regions, major sections of a city, or large master-planned communities
Delivery Options: API, Bulk
Level 2: Neighborhoods
This level represents the common definition of a city-level neighborhood, typically comprised of a colloquial grouping of streets and commonly referenced by residents. Level 2 Neighborhoods usually form a complete fabric covering the entire area of an incorporated city.
Delivery Options: API, Bulk
Level 3: Sub-Neighborhoods
Sub-Neighborhoods are smaller, named areas usually found in the core of a city within a larger Level 2 Neighborhood. They are often business, entertainment, arts, or historic districts.
Delivery Options: API, Bulk
Level 4: Residential Subdivision
The Residential Subdivisions Product comprises boundaries for subdivisions, condominiums, townhome communities, apartment complexes, retirement communities, and other residential housing tracts.
Delivery Options: API, Bulk
Plat Map
Residential Subdivisions (Tracts) may have a separate Plat Map defining the area covered by the subdivision. The Plat Map will show the boundaries of all properties along with roads, easements, and public land. They are used by developers when a larger tract is being subdivided, or when existing properties are being merged into a single property.
Delivery Options: API
Residential Neighborhoods
Residential neighborhoods are geographical areas considered to have similarities in their demographics and housing. Other factors influencing the definition of neighborhoods include local government planning, law enforcement, and transportation. Their use is not consistent across counties. Up to three levels of a neighborhood can be defined. These levels can be identified by the geography type key assigned.
Geo ID | 42,63365 : 0269069ca0c50e87ea417470c14ee63f |
Name | Cypress Village |
Label | Cypress Village, Irvine, Orange County, CA |
Functional Type | Mixed-Use : Planned Community |
Area (sq. miles) | 1.14 |
Longitude | -117.754179 |
Latitude | 33.683861 |