Postal City
A Postal City is the name of a town or city having a central post office responsible for the delivery of mail to its residents. This may not be the name that residents consider themselves to reside in.
Geo ID | 138626 : 4a4304a82a1196e2093b75002bb2ab3e |
Name | Irvine |
Label | Irvine, CA |
Residents | 97,536 |
Multi Family Delivery Units | 32,183 |
Single Family Delivery Units | 64,516 |
PO Box | 837 |
Businesses | 9,527 |
Area (sq. miles) | 76 |
The following tables can be used to access Postal City information. When delivering solutions to customers, some or all of the information found in these tables may be consolidated into one or more views.
Profile for each postal city
Rows: 28K
Columns: 15
Family: Boundary
Type: Area
Geography Type: 46
Matching Data
The postal city for a property can be found in the SitusCity field in either the PropertyFeature table or PropertyAddresses view. The DImPostalCity table provides information about the Postal City and Geocodes that can be used with other area data.