County Subdivision



Each county can consist of one or more county subdivisions. These can be either Minor Civil Divisions (MCDs) or Census County Divisions (MCDs). A county cannot have both. An MCD has legal boundaries and names as well as a government or administrative purpose defined by State law. CCDs are statistical entities established cooperatively by the US Census Bureau and State/local government.

Geo ID 1971 : 4a459759789142394210b5b53aff3646
Name Irvine-Lake Forest
Label Irvine-Lake Forest CCD, Orange County, CA
FIPS Code 91413 (Orange)
Type CCD - Statistical entity
Land Area (sq. miles) 74.99
Water Area (sq. miles) 0.27
Total Area (sq. miles) 75.26
Longitude -117.720976
Latitude 33.703674

Many counties are divided into a combination of subdivisions, Indian Land Areas, and Places. Each county contains at least one county subdivision. The following map shows the dissection of two Southern California counties.


County Subdivision Demographics for a Property

The following example demonstrates how to find the county subdivision for a property and then obtain the demographics for that county subdivision.

 * County Subdivision demographics for a specific property.
 * Demonstrates how to match properties to County Subdivision such as demographics
	-- Property Details
	pa.[ATTOM ID],
	CONCAT(pa.SitusAddress,', ', pa.SitusCity,' ',pa.SitusState,' ',pa.SitusZip) AS Address,
	-- County Subdivision
	-- Demographic data
From adw.PropertyAddresses pa									-- Addresses
Left Join adw.PropertyBoundaryMatch pbm on pa.[ATTOM ID] = pbm.[ATTOM ID] 			-- Geocodes
Left Join adw.CommunityDemographics cd on pbm.GeographyKey = cd.GeographyKey And pbm.GeographyTypeKey = cd.GeographyTypeKey -- Demographics
Left Join adw.DimCountySubdivision dt on pbm.GeographyKey = dt.CountySubdivisionKey 		 -- County Subdivision

	pa.[ATTOM ID] = 156293872 And 		-- Specific Property
	pbm.GeographyTypeKey = 38		-- County Subdivision
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