Zip Code



Zip codes were developed by USPS as a way to assist in the processing and delivery of mail. Each USPS delivery point is assigned to one of ~33,000 5-digit zip codes.

Geo ID 19544
Zip Code 89011
Name Henderson
Postal City 153107 - Henderson
Residents 9,776
Multi-Family Delivery Units 1,457
Single-Family Delivery Units 8,319
PO Box 0
Businesses 618
Area (sq. miles) 28.16
Longitude -114.940204
Latitude 36.115266


Zip Code Demographics for a Property

The following example demonstrates how to establish the geocode for a property zip code and use that to extract the demographics for that zip code

 * Identify Owners of Residential Vacant Land in a specific school district
Select PF.[ATTOM ID],
 * Property Address Details
	CONCAT(PF.SitusAddress,', ',PF.SitusCity,' ',PF.SitusState,' ',PF.SitusZip) AS Address,
 * Owner details
	CONCAT(RO.TaxBillMailingAddress,', ',RO.TaxBillMailingCity,' ',RO.TaxBillMailingState,' ',RO.TaxBillMailingZip) AS TaxBillAddress
    ADW.DimSchoolDistrict SD -- School District
    Join ADW.PropertyBoundaryMatch PBM On SD.SchoolDistrictKey = PBM.GeographyKey -- Property Boundary Match 
    Join ADW.PropertyFeature PF On PBM.[ATTOM ID] = PF.[ATTOM ID] -- Property Address & Property Characteristics
    Join ADW.REOwnership RO On RO.[ATTOM ID] = PF.[ATTOM ID] -- Current Owner
Where SD.SchoolDistrictKey = 1868 AND 	-- Specific School Diustrict
PBM.GeographyTypeKey = 53 AND 			-- School District
PF.PropertyTypeKey = 301 				-- Residential Vacant Land
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