When does ATTOM Cloud get updated?

The data in ATTOM Cloud is updated daily, usually during evening hours Pacific Time. Each table has a different update frequency depending on how often the data gets refreshed.

  • Tax Assessor and Recorder data is updated daily
  • AVMs are updated monthly
  • Census data is updated once every 10 years

Some tables may get a major update once a week or month and then receive small data fixes as needed.

Table Update Status

The table ClientProductProcessingStatus provides details about the last update made to each table. This can be used to trigger your own jobs based on whether or not the table has been updated since a specific event.

  • When the update started
  • When the update finished
  • The current status (if the update is currently running)
  • How many records were added
  • How many records were updated
  • How many records were deleted

Example of the data that can be found in the ClientProductProcessingStatus table.

The table ClientProductProcessingStatusHistory provides details about each update made to each table.

In this example, we can see look at the update history for a specific table (AVMHistory) to establish when data was last update (6/30/2023)

 Record Update Status

Within each table, fields are provided to indicate when records have been created and/or updated. These fields are RecordLastUpdate and CreateDate. If these fields are not present it is safe to assume the table is loaded from scratch each time an update takes place.

Coverage Report

The metadata included with solution packs may include a coverage report that identifies the number of properties by county that are covered as part of a particular dataset. The coverage report may also include information about the date range of the transactions covered within each county.  This can be used to establish if data has been updated for a specific county.  e.g. the Deeds & Mortgages coverage report shows the date range for both deeds and mortgages for each county.

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