


A summary of the climate statistics published by the US Census Bureau. These are published for each Census Block Group, Census Tract, Neighborhood, Zip Code, Place, City, County Subdivision, County, CSA, CBSA, and State.

Geo ID 63,365 : 0269069ca0c50e87ea417470c14ee63f
Geography Neighborhood: Cypress Village, Irvine, Orange County, CA
Area (Sq. miles) 1.14
Average Min Temperature 51.65
Average Max Temperature 74.88
Possible Sunshine 75%
Rainy Days 32
Snow Days 0
Precipitation (Inches) 13.76
Snow (Inches) 0


The following tables can be used to access Climate information. When delivering solutions to customers, some or all of the Climate information found in these tables may be consolidated into one or more views.


A table that consolidates the following data elements: -

  • Air Pollution
  • Climate
  • Crime
  • Demographics
  • Natural Disasters

A solution pack containing all of these data elements will also make this table available for the convenience it can offer.

Rows: 1.1 million
Columns: 635
Family: Neighborhood
Type: Area
Geo Type Key: Refer to DimGeographyType table


Climate details for each geographic area

Rows: 1.1 million
Columns: 52
Family: Neighborhood
Type: Area
Geo Type Key: Refer to DimGeographyType table

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