Building Permits



Details changes made to a property based on building permits that specify a description of work and job value as submitted by an owner/contractor to a local authority such as the city or county.

Date ATTOM ID Building Permit Status Type Contractor Value
1/5/2022 145695081 BRBZ1997006555 issued Excavation permit (work in right of way) J&J Construction $2,450
12/23/2010 145695081 BMWC1997007646 complete Concrete or masonry perimeter wall J&J Construction $10,500
10/27/2010 145695081 BMWC1998006842 complete Concrete or masonry perimeter wall J&J Construction $10,210
6/15/2000 145695081 PEXC2022179825 complete Building - legacy - single family Sunrise Mechanical INC $29,034



Property Valuation: Building permits provide insights into improvements being made on a property that may affect the value of a property.

Target Marketing: Companies marketing products and services to homeowners and renters can often identify target customers based on construction activity represented by a building permit. This includes repairs and maintenance that need to occur at a specific time after the original project was completed.


Building Permits are sourced from local government authorities such as counties. Most jurisdictions make this information available monthly to coincide with federal reporting by the US Census Department. ATTOM receives weekly updates of building permit data and these are usually applied to ATTOM Cloud on a Monday evening. The ClientProductProcessingStatus tables can be used to establish when the tables were last updated.



Provides basic details about a building permit application including a description of the project, cost of the work, name of the company doing the work, and its current status.

Rows: 260 million
Columns: 15
Family: Property


Classifications are used as a way of defining the nature of the work to be done on the property (e.g. Bathroom Remodel, Decks, and Porches). Each building permit may involve multiple classifications. This table provides a way to identify a list of classifications assigned to a building permit.

Rows: 300 million
Columns: 2
Family: Property


Each local government authority will have a process for building permits. This will involve the building permit moving through various statuses (e.g. Received, Paid, Rejected). This table records the date on which a building permit is known to have entered a specific status.

The field EffectiveDate is used to establish when a building permit entered that status. The earliest value for EffectiveDate for any building permit is the best indicator of when a building permit was first filed.

Rows: 350 million
Columns: 3
Family: Property


Around 10% of building permits do not match to a known ATTOM property (ATTOM ID). When the happens, the details about the building permit are stored with an ATTOM ID of 99999999. The BudingPermitUnmatchedAddress table can be used to establish the address details for the property provided as part of the building permit.

Rows: 25 million
Columns: 21
Family: Property

Dimension Tables

The following dimension tables are relevant to Building Permits, providing lookups for various codes contained in the Building Permit tables

DimBuildingPermitClassifier: A list of the classification codes used for building permits along with a description

DimBuildingPermitStatus: A list of the status codes used for building permits along with a description.

There are currently over 4,000 statuses identified as being used by the various jurisdictions. The following is a list of the status most frequently used (having more than 1,000 building permits using the status)


The following endpoints can be used to access property characteristics:

  • Building Permits

For more details, see ATTOM API Developer Portal

Matching Data


There can be multiple Building Permit records for each property. The Building Permits can be connected with other Property data such as Addresses and Property Characteristics via the ATTOM ID.

Note: If ATTOM has been unable to match a Building Permit to a specific property, the ATTOM ID will be assigned as 999999999.


Each building permit is uniquely identified via a Building Permit ID (BuildingPermitID) that is assigned to each building permit.

Product Articles (P-Articles)

All solution packs containing the Building Permit data element will include the following p-articles to help you understand and use the data: -

  • Building Permits 101
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