Field Population

Responsibilities for the administration of US property falls upon local governments, especially counties. These local governments usually make property data available as public records. In the absence of national standards, each local government can take its own approach as to what property data it makes available when it is made available, and in what format. Local governments typically collect data based on their own needs. As needs vary from one county to another this results in many inconsistencies in the data.

ATTOM plays an important role in the collection of a lot of this data, standardizing it into a consistent format before making it available as part of a national property database (ATTOM Cloud).

Field Population Report

Takes each of the fields published by ATTOM (as defined in the data dictionary), and summarizes what proportion of properties in a county have values defined (i.e. not NULL). Separate field population reports are published for each data element.

Data Dictionary for Field Population Report

SitusState State Code
CountyKey Unique identifier for county
CountyName Name of the county (unique within a state)
ATTOM ID Count of the total number of properties
APNAddedYear (etc) % of properties having a (non-NULL) value for this field in that county

Field Population Map

A variation of the field population report, representing the population of a specific field on a county map. This format can be useful to quickly identify geographic patterns for specific fields.

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