Update Status

Almost all tables within ATTOM Cloud are updated on a regular basis. If it is important to know when a specific table was updated, then two special tables are available to provide that information


Keeps track of all the tables (products) loaded on this instance of ATTOM Cloud and when each of the was last updated. Each instance of ATTOM Cloud will have its own version of this data with information specific to that instance.

Product ID 1695
Product AssessedValues
Status 199 - Delta Complete
Total Records Moved 355
Records Inserted 15
Records Updated 179
Records Deleted 161
Date/Time Last Updated 11:04:06 4/11/2022 UT

There is only one record for each table, representing the last time the table was updated. If an update is in-progress, the status field will show the current status of the update.


Keeps track of the history of all updates made to tables (products) on this instance of ATTOM Cloud.  Each instance of ATTOM Cloud will have its own version of this data with information specific to that instance. The record format is the same as ClientProductProcessingStatus, there will be one record created each time an update was attempted. This includes scheduled updates (e.g. daily) in which it is established there are no updates available. This table is useful to establish the frequency with which any given table is updated.


Provides details about each status used in the ClientProductProcessingStatus and ClientProductProcessingStatusHistory tables.

Status ID 199
Description Delta complete
Completed true
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