


Property flipping is a term used to describe properties that are purchased with the intent of making improvements to the property before returning it back to the market for a profit. The houses purchased usually need considerable repair and/or the seller is under financial stress and motivated to sell for less than market value. The buyer makes repairs and sells the property, usually after a relatively short amount of time.


GetFlips() is written as a system SQL procedure that returns a SQL table containing properties considered likely to have been flipped based upon the parameters provided.

ATTOM ID 145695081
Address 201 Main St, Henderson NV 89011
Acquisition Transaction ID 745155601
Acquisition Date 8/3/2021
Acquisition Amount $245,000
Acquisition Grantor Homer & Marge Simpson - 201 Main St, Henderson NV 89011
Acquisition Grantee Krusty Investments LLC - 19 Fish Smell Drive, Springfield NV 80085
Sale Transaction ID 875177609
Sale Date 11/2/2021
Sale Amount $195,000
Sale Grantor Krusty Investments LLC - 19 Fish Smell Drive, Springfield NV 80085
Sale Grantee Nelson Muntz - 123 Fake Street, Springfield NV 80085


FlipsSoldSince (Date): The earliest date to be used in identifying property sales - e.g. '20220101'

CounyName (VarChar): The name of the county to search - e.g. 'Douglas'

State (Char): The two-character code for the state in which the county is found - e.g. 'CO'


In this first example, we will get a list of property flips from Douglas County, CO since 1/1/2022

	 Select * from GetFlips('20220101','Douglas','CO')

In this next example, we will get a list of property flips from three counties in Texas since 1/1/2022

Select * from adw.GetFlips('20220101','Harris','TX')
Select * from adw.GetFlips('20220101','Bexar','TX')
Select * from adw.GetFlips('20220101','Travis','TX')
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