What is Commercial Property?
Property Types
ATTOM has a classification system it uses for properties based on the primary way in which the property is used. This is known within ATTOM Cloud as PropertyType and is included in the Addresses dataset.
Commercial Properties
Each PropertyType is categorized into two fields called MajorCategory and SubCategory. The mappings between PropertyType and these two fields can be found in the table DimPropertyType. When the term "Commercial Properties" is used within ATTOM, this is usually taken as a reference to the MajorCategory being "COMMERCIAL". The values for SubCategory used for Commercial Properties are "RETAIL", "OFFICE", and "MULTI 5+".
There are around 120 different values of PropertyType used for Commercial Properties. The attached spreadsheet contains a list of the property types included with Commercial Property.
The following code shows a SQL query used to establish the total number of Commercial Properties currently defined in ATTOM Cloud's PropertyAddresses view.
SELECT Count(pa.[ATTOM ID]) From adw.PropertyAddresses pa Left Join adw.DimPropertyType dpt On pa.PropertyTypeKey = dpt.PropertyTypeKey Where dpt.MajorCategory = 'COMMERCIAL'