On Market Listings



Properties listed for sale in the public domain.

ATTOM ID 145695081
Listing ID S1036960
Address 201 Main St, Henderson NV 89011
Property Type Single Family Residence
Listing Agent 278036747 - Lionel Hutz- (939) 555-8818
Listing Office Red Blazer Realty
Year Built 1997
Lot Size 5,663
Floor Size 2,182
Price $840,000



On-Market Listings are sourced from trusted third-party vendors who scan the internet for property listings. Being published on the Internet, much of the data (facts) is considered to be in the public domain.

Note: This is distinctly different from MLS listings which are sourced directly from Mult-Listing Services and provide details about properties that have been listed via this service. ATTOM also has access to MLS data, but it is governed by very strict constraints on its use. MLS information is usually much more comprehensive and includes copyrighted information such as property descriptions and photos.

Data is updated weekly, usually on a Tuesday morning (PDT).


The following tables can be used to access on-market listings. When delivering solutions to customers, some or all of the on-market listings data found in these tables may be consolidated into one or more views.


Properties currently listed for sale.

Rows: 6.5 million
Columns: 37
Family: Listing
Type: Property

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