Inactive Listings



Details about each property that has been listed for sale by an MLS but is no longer being actively listed. This may be because the property has sold, or because the owner has simply decided to take the property off the market

Listing ID S1036960
Address 201 Main St, Henderson NV 89011
Property Type Single Family Residence
Listing Price $839,990
Listing Agent 278036747 - Lionel Hutz- (939) 555-8818
Listing Office 5449 - Red Blazer Realty - (939) 555-5408
Days On Market 20
Off Market Date 04/01/2021
Pending Date 04/01/2021
Sold Price $840,000

The data for an Inactive Listing is very Similar to that of an Active Listing, except that there is the potential for additional information related to the sale of the property 

Note: At this time Inactive Listings are not available as part of ATTOM Cloud. The data can be accessed via the Slipstream API

API Endpoints

The following Slipstream endpoints can be used to access data from this dataset.

Inactive Listings

Allows the lookup of one or more off-market (inactive) MLS listings


Note: To make use of this endpoint you must be licensed with one or more MLS

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