RETransaction consolidates all common property transactions recorded by a county recorder's office. This includes the transfer of ownership (grant deed), release of a claim (quitclaim deed), pre-foreclosure transactions (e.g. notice of default), and mortgages (trust deed).
The following fields are indexed. When searching for data, using one or more of these fields to narrow down the search can significantly reduce the time for a query to run.
Key Data Points
ATTOM ID: ATTOM's internal identifier is used to uniquely identify each property, allowing data from multiple sources to be combined.
Dim Tables
The following Dimension (Dim) tables are used in conjunction with the PropertyFeature table as a way to translate various codes found in the table into descriptive values.
Table | Key | Description | |
DimCounty | CountyKey | County in which the property is located | |
DimLoanARMIndex | Mortgage1AdjustableRateIndexKey | For an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM), the base to which the rate is determined | |
DimLoanRateChange | Mortgage1FixedStepConversionRate | The rate to which the interest rate will change in a fixed step conversion mortgage | |
DimOwnerEtal | OwnerEtalKey | Defines additional owners e.g. "and spouse" | |
DimTrust | Grantee1TrustTypeKey Grantee2TrustTypeKey |
Indicates the type of trust (if any) associated with a grantee | |