

The PropertyFeature table is one of the most frequently used in ATTOM's dataset. It brings together address information and characteristics for over 150 million properties.


The following fields are indexed. When searching for data, using one or more of these fields to narrow down the search can significantly reduce the time for a query to run.

  • CountyKey
  • SitusZip

Key Data Points

ATTOM ID: ATTOM's internal identifier is used to uniquely identify each property, allowing data from multiple sources to be combined.

Dim Tables

The following Dimension (Dim) tables are used in conjunction with the PropertyFeature table as a way to translate various codes found in the table into descriptive values.

Table Key Description
DimAddressType AddressTypeKey Convention used to address mail (standard, PO Box, Mail Route)
DimBuildingFireResistanceClass ConstructionFireResistanceClass Classification of the building's fire resistance
DimBuildingShape BuildingSHapeKey Commonly used shapes of the main structure
DimConstruction ConstructionKey The material used for the main structure
DimCoolingDetail CoolingDetailKey The primary method used to provide cooling to buildings
DimCounty CountyKey County
DimDrivewayMaterial DrivewayMaterialKey Presence and material used to construct the driveway
DimExterior ExteriorKey The primary material used on the exterior of the primary building
DimFence FenceKey Presence and type of fence on the property
DimFireplace FireplaceKey Presence and type of fireplace(s) used
DimFloor FloorKey The primary type of flooring material used
DimFoundation FoundationKey Type of foundation used for the primary structure
DimGarage GarageKey Presence and type of garage
DimHeating HeatingKey The primary method used to provide heating to buildings
DimFuel FuelKey Primary heating fuel used
DimJurisdiction JurisdictionKey Type of tax jurisdiction. Usually county, but can be a town in some areas.
DimPool PoolKey Presence and type of swimming pool
DimPorch PorchKey Presence and type of porch attached to the primary building
DimPropertyType PropertryTypeKey Type of property e.g. residential, commercial
DimRoof RoofKey The material used to cover the roof of the primary structure
DImRoofConstruction RoofConstructionKey The primary roof framing structure
DimSewer SewerKey Type of sewer used on the property
DimStructure StructureKey The specific structural style used
DimTypography TypographyKey The general topography of the property
DimView ViewKey Type of view present (ocean, mountain, etc.)
DimWater WaterKey The water source for the property

Coverage Report

A coverage report provides details about the amount of data we have been able to collect for each county. The primary source of data for PropertyFeatures is the local County Tax Assessor office for the 3,000+ counties in the US.

The following is an example taken from a coverage report.

StateCode: A county is always contained within a single state.
CountyName: The name by which a county is commonly known. County names are usually only unique within a state. e.g. there is an Orange County in CA, FL, IN, NC, NY, TX, VA, and VT.
FIpsCode: The Federal Information Processing System (FIPS) code is assigned by the federal government to uniquely identify each US county.
TotalParcels: The total number of land parcels that were last assessed in a specific tax year.
TaxAmountPopulation: The portion of land parcels that were assessed for tax. This would include most residential and commercial properties.
TaxYear: The year in which the property was last assessed for tax purposes. A year of zero indicates the property has been assessed for tax, but no year was recorded. A blank year usually indicates a property for which no tax assessment has been made.
LastAssessorUpdate: The date on which a change was last made to one or more of the properties in this tax year

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