What's New - February 2022


Climate Change

In response to a growing interest in the impact presented by Climate Change, ATTOM has added a new dataset to ATTOM Cloud for Climate Change. It provides predictions for a specific property of changes to each of the following: -

  • Drought
  • Flood
  • Heat
  • Storm
  • Wildfire
  • Total

The data is available to ALL ATTOM Cloud users for evaluation via our Limited (5-county) Trial database. It can be found under the Hazard schema in a table called PropertyClimate

Transportation Noise

ATTOM has added Transportation Noise to its collection of property data. It identifies the level of noise for a specific property from the following sources: -

  • Aviation
  • Emergency Vehicle
  • Rail
  • Rail Whistle
  • Road
  • Transportation (Overall)

The data is available to ALL ATTOM Cloud users for evaluation via our Limited (5-county) Trial database. It can be found under the Hazard schema in a table called PropertyNoise

Quality of Life

Wide Screen Support

Monitors seem to be getting bigger and bigger. As a result, we have adjusted our responsive design for ATTOM Cloud to fit more information onto monitors with higher resolutions so that we can reduce the amount of scrolling needed to view content.


Failure to Create ATTOM ID Account

A problem was found registering the new ATTOM Cloud API trial key when the customer's password contained special characters

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