What's New - December 2021


ATTOM is constantly looking for new opportunities to expand its portfolio of property data and sources. We hope to make any data available on ATTOM Cloud first, Stay tuned for more news about new additions to the portfolio of property data being added to ATTOM Cloud.

New Features

All the new features planned for the last quarter of 2021 were completed early allowing our development team to focus on cleaning up the code and making a series of tweaks and performance improvements.

Quality of Life

Home Page Icons

We didn't quite get it right when we launched the new ATTOM Cloud home page. Some of the icons used were different sizes, causing issues when viewed on different resolution screens and monitors. We have adopted a uniform standard for sizing that should result in a consistent look and feel.


Non-Compliant Passwords

Don't you hate it when every site you register for has a different standard for acceptable passwords? We do too! Behind the scenes, ATTOM Cloud is built using a wide range of software. That software often has security requirements and different password requirements. This requires us to develop a standard for ATTOM Cloud passwords that complies with all those software products so that the one password you set can be used everywhere. We have modified the rules for ATTOM Cloud passwords to bring them into alignment with those needed for SQL Server allows you direct access to our property data from your own software.

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