Manage Your Account

Not Available in Enterprise Package

Account dashboard described on this page is for Property Navigator Basic and Professional plans only. Enterprise plan customers should see ATTOM Cloud Account Management instead.


The My Account section is accessible on every page of your Property Navigator once you log in. It empowers you to make adjustments to your subscription, account information, payment method, display setting, manage your shared property reports, and more. 

Accessing Account Settings

After logging into Property Navigator, you'll be able to locate the My Account link under the User Menu in the top right corner of any search page:

Or any property report:

Changing Login Credentials

You can change the username, email, and password that you log in with at any time using the My Info section in My Account.

All of your current information will be pre-populated. To update any field, enter the new preferred First Name, Last Name, Email or Username and click Submit. 

Changing Password

Update your Password by entering your current active password under Current Password and add your new password within the New Password and Confirm Password fields while making sure your new password is greater than 8 characters, has upper and lowercase letters, and at least one number. Click the Submit button for the password to update. 

Updating Personal Information

To update your account info that is stored with ATTOM Property Reports, such as your address, company, phone number, or email can be done in the Account Details section. All of your current information will be pre-populated. To update any field, enter the new information and click the Submit button for the changes to be saved. 

Payment Methods

You can view and update your stored payment method at any time using the Payment Method section within your account settings. 

Adding a New Payment Method

To add a new Payment Method click the Add New Primary Payment Method. Enter the new payment details and the associated billing address and press the Submit button for the change to save. 

Changing Primary Payment Method

If you have more than one payment method saved within My Account, you can change your primary payment method at any time by clicking the gear icon on the inactive payment method and select Make Primary Payment Method. 

Removing Payment Method

To remove a payment method that is not currently active (Please note that you need to have at least one payment method on file), click the gear icon on the inactive payment method and select Remove Card. 

Transaction History

Single-user accounts will have an additional section called the Transaction History. The Transaction History provides historical records of any transaction related to the account such as reoccurring monthly or annual charges, add-on services to your subscription, if you upgrade from a monthly to an annual account, if your account was reactivated or if you add a temporary service to your account. 

By clicking the "View" link next to the related transaction, a pop-up of the associated transactions invoice will appear that you can print for your own records. Exit the invoice by clicking the "X" in the right-hand corner. 

Cancelling Subscription

To cancel your subscription, select Remove or Cancel Services from the bottom right corner of your Subscription section. 

After selecting Cancel Services, the service cancellation process will be initiated. You'll be presented with alternative options to speak to someone about your account or place your account on a temporary hold. To proceed with the Cancelation, you'll need to confirm your choice until you reach the confirmation page, where we ask you to provide a reason for canceling. 

Enter your reason for canceling and select Cancel my account. Your account will be canceled and you'll lose access to Property Navigator on your next payment date. 

Managing Shared Property Reports

The Shared Reports section enables you to manage all of your shared public property reports. For more information on how to share a property report see our article on Sharing Your Property Report. With your Property Navigator account you can share up to 10 property reports at a time and they will automatically expire after 30 days. 

All of your currently active shared Property Reports will be in the top section under Current Shares. Any report that you've shared previously will be listed under Previous Shares. 

You can unshare a property report at any time by clicking the Unshare button to the right of the property report that you no longer want to be publicly shared. Click Ok to confirm the unshare. 

You can re-share any previously shared property reports by clicking the Share Again button to the right of the property report that you would like to make public again. 

Dark Mode Display

ATTOM Property Navigator offers a Dark Mode option to reduce eye strain. To use Property Navigator in Dark Mode, toggle the switch from No to Yes within the Display section. 

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