Direct Integration from SQL Server Management Studio

SQL Server Management Studio

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is an integrated environment for managing any SQL infrastructure, from SQL Server to Azure SQL Database. SSMS provides tools to configure, monitor, and administer instances of SQL Server and databases. SSMS can be used to build queries and scripts for multiple databases, including

Establishing A New SQL Database Connection

Direct Integration

  1. From within ATTOM Cloud select DIrect Integration
  2. Select the database you wish to connect to from the Connection Dropdown. Your choices will be one or more of the following
    1. Standard Trial - The Limited 5 county trial database
    2. Shared Instance - A shared instance of ATTOM Cloud your company has purchased
    3. Dedicated Instance - A dedicated instance of ATTOM Cloud your company has purchased
  3. Take note of the following information that will be used in later steps: -
    1. Host/Server/IP Address
    2. Username
    3. Database Name

Request New Connection

  1. From the main menu select File\Connect Object Explorer; or
  2. From Object Explorer select Connect\Database Engine

Define Connection

  1. Server name: Enter the value provided for Host/Server/IP Address on the Direct Integration page (a)
  2. Authentication: Select SQL Server Authentication
  3. Login: Enter the value provided for Username on the Direct Integration page (b)
  4. Password: Enter your current ATTOM Cloud password

Connection Options

  1. Click on the Options button (above)
  2. Connect to database: Enter the value provided for Database Name on the Direct Integration page (c)
  3. Click on Connect

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