What counties are included in the limited trial?

ATTOM Cloud's Standard Trial database provides the opportunity to evaluate all of the property data available within ATTOM Cloud for five counties. The counties included (and their CountyKey) are as follows: -

  • Douglas, CO (35891)
  • Duval, FL (35964)
  • Mecklenburg, NC (37581)
  • Ramsey, MN (37007)
  • Ventura, CA (35870)

Some of the tables/views such as PropertyFeature include CountyKey as a field, allowing you to focus on a specific county. Where that is not available, join ATTOM ID and join to either PropertyAddress or PropertyFeature to get the applicable value for CountyKey. Many of these tables are still large and using data from one county can help you get started working with the data and building a Proof of Concept (POC).

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